Iguania – An Intro and Some Awesome Examples

Found in warm climates throughout the world, the Iguania is a suborder of lizards that includes iguanas, chameleons, basilisks, and other related species.

Please do not confuse them with Iguanas! Although, confusingly, iguanas are in the suborder of Iguania.

Let’s take a look at the lizards that fall into the Iguania suborder and some of their quirky habits!

Iguania – Some Examples

Here are some examples of lizards that are part of the Iguania suborder.

Some of these lizards have some particularly quirky behavior, such as the Plumed Basilisk! Read on to find out what that is.


chameleon on branch

Chameleons are amazing creatures. They can change their color to match their surroundings, making them nearly invisible.

Chameleons are also skilled climbers and can often be seen perching on trees and branches. These fascinating creatures are a joy to watch and provide endless entertainment.


Green Iguana

Iguanas are perhaps the best-known members of the Iguania suborder.

These large lizards are native to the Americas and can be found from southern Canada down to the tip of South America. Iguanas come in a variety of colors and patterns, and some species can grow to be over six feet long.

Did you know that iguanas are excellent swimmers? In fact, they’re better swimmers than they are runners. If you ever find yourself in the water with an iguana, don’t worry – they’re more likely to swim away from you than to come after you!



Agamas are fascinating creatures. They come in various colors and patterns, making them a favorite among lizard enthusiasts. Though they are typically shy and reclusive, when basking in the sun, they can be quite bold.

Agamas make excellent pets for those who are patient and willing to give them the time and space they need to feel comfortable.



Chuckwallas are lizards known for their unique appearance and interesting behavior. These lizards are native to the deserts of North America and can grow up to 2 feet long.

Although they are not the fastest or most agile lizards, they are very good at hiding from predators. When threatened, they will inflate their bodies with air to make themselves look bigger and more intimidating.

Plumed Basilisks

Plumed Basilisks

When you think of a Basilisk, you might imagine a calm and serene creature. But in reality, they are quite the opposite. These reptiles are known for their aggressive nature, and their ability to run on water (hence the nickname, ‘Jesus Lizards’)

But what sets them apart is their beautiful plumage.

Often, you’ll find the plumed basilisk near running water, basking in the sun. 

They’re skilled swimmers and adept climbers, easily making their home in trees.

Females lay around 20 eggs at a time and often abandon their young, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Lava Lizards

Lava Lizard

Lava Lizards are a type of lizard that is found on the Galapagos Islands. They are so named because they are often found near lava flows.

These lizards are interesting creatures with several unique adaptations that allow them to live in their harsh environment.

For example, they have heat-resistant scales that help protect them from the hot lava.

They also have long claws that help them climb on the rough lava.

Lava lizards are not afraid of humans and often approach people out of curiosity.

However, they will bite if they feel threatened.

Spiny Lizards

Spiny Lizard

Spiny lizards are one of the most fascinating creatures on the planet. They are incredibly adaptable and can live in a wide range of habitats. They are also skilled hunters, using their sharp claws and teeth to capture prey.

What’s amazing about spiny lizards is their ability to change color. They can do this to help regulate their body temperature or to communicate with other lizards. It’s a fantastic adaptation that helps them survive in their environment.

If you ever have the chance to see a spiny lizard in person, you’ll be amazed by its beauty.


Green anole

Anoles are a type of lizard found in the warmer parts of the Americas.

They are distinguished by their long tails and ability to change the color of their skin.

Anoles are excellent climbers and are often seen basking in the sun on tree branches.

These lizards are relatively shy and quick to scurry away when disturbed. However, they will bite if they feel threatened.

Frilled Lizard

Frilled Lizard (1)

Frilled lizards are among the most unusual and beautiful reptiles in the world. These creatures are native to Australia and New Guinea, and they get their name from the frilled “collar” of skin that encircles their head.

When threatened, frilled lizards open their mouths wide and extend their frill, which makes them look much larger and more intimidating. This can be enough to scare away predators.

These lizards are relatively calm and docile, but they can be skittish and may bite if they feel threatened.

If you’re lucky enough to see a frilled lizard in the wild, admire it from afar, and do not try to make it extend its frill!

Leopard Lizard

Leopard Lizard

Leopard lizards are a sight to behold.

These reptiles are native to North America’s deserts and well-adapted to life in the hot, arid conditions there.

Leopard lizards can grow up to two feet in length and are covered in distinctive black spots on a yellow or tan background.

These speedy lizards are excellent hunters, preying on smaller insects and animals.

If you’re lucky enough to see a leopard lizard in the wild, enjoy the experience from a distance. These lizards can be aggressive and will bite if they feel threatened.

Are there any more lizards that are part of the Iguania suborder?

Yes, many other lizards are part of the Iguania suborder.

Some of the most notable ones include:

  • Western Fence Lizards
  • Texas horned lizards
  • Central bearded dragons
  • Oriental garden lizards
  • Desert horned lizards
  • Stellagamas

Each of these lizards has its own unique set of adaptations that allow it to thrive in its natural environment.


So now you know what an Iguania is! The Iguania is a fascinating and varied group of lizards with many different shapes, sizes, and colors. They are found in a wide range of habitats, from the tropical rainforests of South America to the arid deserts of North America.

They are a diverse and interesting group of lizards that are well worth learning more about. As I’ve said in this article, if you are lucky enough to see any of these out in the wild, you should always admire them from afar and not do anything that may get a response. Don’t forget; they are in their territory!

I hope this article has given you a good introduction to the Iguania and some wonderful examples that you can find within this group.

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